In 2016, Nitesh Tiwari directed the biographical sports drama Dangal. In the movie, former wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters Geeta and Babita overcame obstacles in society to become famous. In the film, Mahavir trains his daughters for top battles despite gender stereotypes and strict culture. One of India's most successful films, Dangal combines excellent performances, an emotional story, and empowering women.
In Dangal's trailer, Geeta and Babita progress in male-dominated wrestling. It shows their father's love, toughness, and mental and physical hardships. Dangal's trailer portrays success, failure, and will.
Mahavir Singh Phogat's daughters inspired real-life Dangal. Mahavir aspires to win a wrestling gold medal for India after four children, but he needs support. Post-bullying, daughters Geeta and Babita learn wrestling from Mahavir. Despite all odds, Geeta becomes India's first Commonwealth Games gold medallist female wrestler. Babita strives to work like her sister in the movie. Family, dedication, and social conventions are covered in the movie.
The ensemble cast includes Aamir Khan as Mahavir Singh Phogat. Critics loved his portrayal of Mahavir's childhood and age. Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra play Babita Phogat and Geeta. Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, and Siddharth Roy Kapur made Nitesh Tiwari. Pritam's music enhances the film's fantasy.
Audiences and critics liked Dangal. Its 8.4/10 IMDb and 92% Rotten Tomatoes ratings show global appeal. The movie is a hit in India. Dangal's female empowerment theme and outstanding performances were outstanding.
Dangal was a global hit after its December 23, 2016 release. Disney+ Hotstar is in India, and Netflix offers it abroad.